Today marks six years since we first opened our doors at Koop+Kraft! 🎈6️⃣
On that evening I was just trying to get through the rest of the week! I could have never imagined that we’d have built a community restaurant in the way it is today.
We couldn’t have made it six years without the support from every single one of you, whether that’s dining with us, coming to an event, recommending us or even supporting us on social media.💪
Every little bit of support we receive I am always so grateful for, especially more recently in these tougher climates we find ourselves in versus the very start.
It’s not been easy by any means and as well as some ups, we have had plenty of downs (especially in the past three years) but we will all work tirelessly this year to reach our seventh birthday. 🙌
Thanks for your support again and I look forward to seeing as many people as possible taking advantage of our 50% off over this weekend. 😃